Sunday, May 18, 2008


For any followers of Coronation Street, they will no doubt have been following Marie's sad storyline. After the programme, there was the usual, "If you have been affected.... The group mentioned is ISANDS: Irish Stillbirth and Neonathal Death

ISANDS is currently running an appeal to anyone who has sewing abilities, can crochet or knit to create make tiny wraps or clothes for tiny babies. The Wrapped in Love campaign is hoping to supply maternity hospitals and units throughout the country with items so that every parent in the future will have the opportunity to pick a little wrap or garment to wrap their baby in love.

If you want more information contact ISANDS. There is a group on Ravelry (isands wrapped in love group) that share and advise on patterns.
If your looking for patterns, you can just google preemie projects/patterns. There are groups in UK and USA that have published patterns for you to use.

Here are pics of the first few projects I did. As crochet is more my thing, I crocheted burial wraps in different sizes, with optional hats. The one lovely aspect of this project, is that each time you make an item, you make a small sample piece, which is given to the parents as a memory token.

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