Thursday, April 8, 2010

Urban Knit Limerick

Finally dug out the ole knitting machine and knitted up some patches for Eilish of Urban Knit Limerick fame.. thought I have managed to loose the Scottish Shortcake box that has my clamps and tools in it. So, it is hand machine knit under slightly dodgy circumstances....

Got to use up lots of odd end-cones of chenille. (Sorry, Tiia!!). For some reason chenille just doesn't do anything for me. I just don't like the feel of it, it feels un-natural or something. Can't quite put my finger on it. So, I was delighted to use up the chenille for this project. (Although I did put away the pink for a different project). I made roughly 530cm's of patches. I had been lamenting the fact I have been doing nothing mad lately, and although what I made wasn't mad, her project is! So, this definitely made me feel a bit better.

(If you don't know about the Urban Knit Project check out her Facebook page, Urbanknitlimerick and on The Woolly Way blog, she needs A4 or larger patches for an Urban Knit project by end April!!)


1 comment:

Kerryfelter said...

Excellent! What's urban knit Limerick?