Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I'm sorry, but more Smoothie Hat stuff..

I thought it was all over, all finished, I had posted the last parcel, and I could go back to making all the other stuff that I had planned to do. I still have nothing on Etsy, I have a few pieces of beaded jewelery that I wanted to put up but I cant get a single nice pic of them, they are too small, so I've given up on them. I signed myself up for a Christmas Craft Fair and have to make all the stuff for that. I signed myself up to make a flag of Brittany for someone, but mercifully she didnt need me in the end. (I have to stop volunteering to do this stuff). The Woolly Way started up, and I'm a volunteer editor for that. I have a piece to get ready for an exhibition in The Cork School of Music with the Cork Textile Network, I started an Organic Gardening course, and am supposed to be preparing my garden for Spring next year (that's my homework), and and and.....

and they go and extend the deadline for the
Innocent Smoothie Big Knit!!!

Have they not got enough yet? Have pity on people like me who just cant say no to a woolly good cause. Considering I hate making two of anything, I think I did god-damn well, making the amount I did. Anyway, did you see those oldies marching on the Dail today? I tell you, there's no messing around with the over 70's. When they want to get something done...Fair play to them! You have to laugh at the fact that all these old dears came from all over the country to hassle the government about taking away their free medical cards using the free bus passes that the government gave them. Watch out! They will be taking them off you next, so you wont march on the streets of Dublin again...

Yes, I know the Big Knit is a good cause and all that. I suppose I'll just have to make one or two more. Please, PLEASE, everyone else, just make a few more so they can reach their target and put me out of my hat madness... Here are a few pics of what I thought were my FINAL HATS...

I've started making fruit for my Toddler to play with, and got the idea to make some fruit hats. considering they are fruit smoothies. So, I'm thinking hats, and I'm thinking fruit, and then it came to me, Carmen Miranda! The fruitiest hat wearer in the world. I had to have a go at making a Carmen Miranda hat. (If I have known my time wasting on playful hats would have caused an extended deadline, I probably wouldn't have made them, no, that not true, I probably would have made more!!)

Carmen Miranda and Friends

Carmen dancing in a Hyperbolic Crocheted Ruffle

1 comment:

Bionic Laura said...

That is so cute! Love the Carmen Miranda hat.