Friday, June 27, 2008

Wilds of Mayo

I'm just back from a week in Mayo, although I wasnt up the mountains, I might as well have been when it came to internet connection. Its been my first week in god knows how long that I wasnt able to go online, and to my surprise I did feel a gap. Not quite a need, but a small wondering if anyone had posted anything interesting on Ravelry, who had won the This is Knit Scavanger Hunt (congrats Demine!). But my time up there was to chill, and chill I did, it was bloody freezing!! Gale force winds, lightning storms and lots and lots of rain. So, for most of my holiday I ate, what else can you do, eat breakfast, plan lunch, finish lunch, plan dinner, etc, etc.

It was lovely to be there though, I caught up on much needed sleep as my mum doted on the toddler. In fact I was ignored by the toddler, who followed the grandparents around, babbling questions that couldn't be understood, and, therefore, were unanswerable. Between the heavy spells there was time to wander round the folks garden, and marvel at all the growth. And the colours, I could spend hours there just admiring the colours. I wish I had inherited my ma's green fingers.

I did manage to start on some new coral. I decided to start it as a scientific experiment, to make several samples, and write notes. I'm hoping that by doing this in a slow methodical process, it will be easier to design more types of coral. I also designed my mad hat for the Sailors Society's Mad Hat competition. I hope to start that in the next week or so. It will be top secret for now but you will be able to see it when it goes on tour with the Knit and Stitch Show in the UK with all the other mad hat entries.

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