Tuesday, May 27, 2008

WWKIP in Kerry

World Wide Knit in Public Day, Killarney, Co. Kerry!

14 * June * 2008

Join us as we knit with hundreds of other knitters around the world on the same day!

Not to be outdone by our Leinster counterparts, a World Wide Knitting Event is being organised as we speak in Killarney.
It began as a way for knitters to come together and enjoy each others company. Knitting is such a solitary act that its easy to knit alone somewhere and sink into your work without thinking about all the other knitters out there. Neighbours could spend all their lives never knowing that the other knits. This a specific day to get out of your house and go to a local event (with your knitting in tow) just for you and people like you. Who knows you might even bump into your neighbour! Consider this a spark, to ignite a fire; getting all of the closeted knitters out into fresh air. Better living through stitching together.

We hope to gather in the beautiful gardens of Muckross, and make a public exhibition of ourselves....Everyone is invited, bring any textile work, anything you might need, raingear, waterproof knitting,etc. If you cant knit, but would like to learn, come along..

If you would like more information, visit www.wwkip.com or email shebeens@gmail.com
Organised by the Shebeens group on Ravelry

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