Tuesday, November 25, 2014


I've been sitting in front of a computer for hours, 5 days a week for the past 2 weeks and I still haven't managed to update my blog in that time! Its because I'm taking a few weeks off from my usual work routine to do a computer illustrated graphics course.

Mostly Photoshop with a bit of illustrator. I've dabbled in these before, but what used to take me days to do, now takes just a few hours. I LOVE learning all the shortcuts, and easy ways of tinkering with designs. Then I'm going to learn a wee bit of coding. Just enough to be able to (FINALLY!) re-design both this blog, and the Woolly Way blog. (New Years Resolutions!)

This course is also helping me create my series of graphic images for the Artist in the Community research project I am doing with the Kenmare Lace Festival. These images will be mushed (beautifully mushed, of course), into an installation, which will be projected outdoors in Kenmare at the launch of the 2015 festival, sometime in February. Of course I will post details, when I have them...

But for now its back to layer masks and gradients...

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