
Friday, April 11, 2014

XXIV Mostra do Encaixe de Camariñas

Its 5.30am, I should be fast asleep, but instead I'm up doing last minute computer stuff, updating blogs, sending emails, printing info leaflets, boarding passes etc, etc. The next 3 weeks are crazy hectic, and I'll barely get the chance to sit down, let alone blog!

I'm currently packing for my trip to XXIV Mostra do Encaixe de Camariñas. I'm super nervous and excited! It'll be a jam-packed week of meeting new people from all over the world, there are attendees from over 12 countries, from Portugal, Russia, to Brazil. I am completely honored to be the Irish attendee and just wish I had more time (years!!) to make the lace I would love to make and show at an event like this. So, I'm calling this a test run, opening connections between Ireland and Galicia not just for me, but for other lacemakers. I hope from next week onwards, there will be an Irish lacemaker at this event every year.

I am also very delighted to have the backing of some of Irelands top lacemakers. I will be bringing books by Veronica Stuart, Máire Treanor and Nora Finnegan. Also, information about various courses and summer schools in lace happening this year. I really appreciate the support these ladies have given me. As this trip is self-funded, it is therefore, unfortunately, very low budget. Their constant encouragement, stops me thinking I am crazy to go to the mecca of lacemaking in Northern Spain, with the bare bones of a stand.

I'll also be sticking in some information about our lovely country, a lot of Cork, so famous for its lacemaking, and Kerry, well because I live here (Munster Abú!!). I think its what draws me so much to lace, is not just the pride most lacemakers have in their handiwork, its the history and culture behind the skills. It's a national pride, the beauty of the lace, and the beauty of the place it comes from. I have never come across people so knowledgeable about their history, their past, but also their hopes and fears for the future, all through stitchwork. 

There are such great connections between Kerry and Galicia through our shared history, love and lore of the sea. I will even be bringing a map of our very own Kerry Camino! If anything, it will give them a laugh.

I will be coming back, hopefully, with lots of pictures, and stories. Thought it may take me a while to get the blog post together...

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