Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sunshine, Kerry, Crochet and The Culchie Festival!

You know Ireland is getting a few rare hours of sunshine when the blogging/twittering/facebook, etc, entries are zero. We get so few days that are nice you have to grab them with both hands, arms, and very, very white legs...

Yesterday, to try catch up on the Vitamin C, we spent the morning in the playground and beach in Fenit, then home for lunch, then out to Banna Beach for the afternoon. You can't beat Kerry in nice weather. I suppose if we had good weather it would end up Costa Del Banna. But 10 miles of sandy beach in sunshine, heaven. At home we vandalised the driveway with colourful giant chalk drawings, a great day all round!

But to my shame I forgot it was International Day of Crochet! How could I. There I am organising days of spinning, felting, etc, and I forgot about crochet... Sorry Fearless Leader!!

That's what I get for being away from the computer for any length of time. Today, is another nice day, so the plan is to head out to the Culchie Festival in Camp, a field of tractors, the thrashing machine, and lots of dodgy men in turned down wellies, braces, and straw...(Heres the wiki definition, for anyone who doesn't know the term). I have a friend who's after a farmer with a bit of land, so we're meeting out there....

They want people to bring anything vintage along with them, so I propose to bring my vintage crochet hooks, and sit and crochet at The Culchie Festival! Thought I can't decide whether to get dressed up or not. I don't really have any culchie clothes (if my sister read this she would disagree...). Better get practising, want to impress those nice farmers....a sheep farmer would do nicely thank you...

Found this photo on The All Ireland Culchie Festival website....if you need a laugh take a look at their Gallery.


Irene said...

Shame on me, I forgot about it too!!! The International Day of Crochet. Tut-tut!

Good to have you back, missed you!

Bionic Laura said...

Your wellies from the electric picnic surely qualifies you as a culchie.

Sounds like a lovely few sunny days.