I went up to a friends house the following day and raided her garden. Luckily she lives beside every boggy ground, so I could get a good bundle of rushes. So, together we made some St. crosses. I only got one style done, I was hoping to get a few different designs done, but with the coffee and chat flowing, it was all I could manage for now...

Its a lovely tradition, to celebrate the coming of Spring. Even though it is freezing outstide, and not very Springlike and you almost feel sorry for the few flowers that have come out already. "Get back inside, its gona get very very cold..."
I think that I tried to comment on your last St. Brisdget's post, but it wouldn't let me load the comments page or something, so I never did!
One Christmas my little sister and I made God's Eyes for everyone in the family. But I don't think we ended up actually giving them out. So we had a bunch of God's Eyes floating around my dad's apartment for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if we found a few by cleaning out the closets over there!
Looks like 6 more weeks of winter, huh? Blast it!
Blogger has been acting up on me a bit the last week, also our internet was down yesterday. GASP HORROR!
If you do find them, dust them off and keep them for next year..I love making God's Eyes, and they are so universal. So many different cultures have variations of them.
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