Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sock Puppet

Please Note: Any resemblance to any real or fictional characters is purely coincidental

Recently an English woman, had to remove several knitting patterns from her blog because a certain English TV Channel, said she was in breach of copyright. She made scarfs, and things from her favourite TV show, and put the patterns she designed on her blog for free, but the BB..oops, un-named English TV Channel, said she was infringing their copyright.

So, to make sure I don't infringe any copyrights, here is a sock puppet I made that does not resemble any fictional well-known puppet..... I had to make it for my toddlers Baby Boogie class. Of course he had no interest what so ever in it, but I got some complements from the other mum's.

Sock Puppet and Cat

Its all in the Eyes

As I'm up to my ears still, making stuff for the Electric Picnic, I will post the pattern, and any other patterns I have promised to post in September. I'm sure you can hang on till then.

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